Palm Beach Splendor New and Old!

Love’s Surprise (Captain’s Point Stories Book 4) by Charlotte Kent

Also available in the UK, on NOOK, Kobo and iTunes!

Pink Lemonade Diary (Pink Lemonade Memories) by Juliette Hill

Also available on NOOK, Kobo, in the UK and on iTunes!

0613141221aAs many of my loyal readers and followers know, I love history and I love to travel. Combining the two on my recent vacation was easy to do, especially with our stay in Palm Beach, Florida.

The city is steeped in history, with much of it arising out of Henry Flagler’s interest in the area and state in general.  Whitehall, the winter home of Mr. Flagler, founding partner in Standard Oil and mastermind of the Florida East Coast Railway, was the primary focus on our tour of Palm Beach, this year.

The juxtaposition of the splendor of the guilded age elments that the Flaglers commissioned for the house against the raw and wild landscape of the yet untamed reality of a developing state accentuated the progress of man versus nature, embodying artistic mythological symbolism throughout the entire structural presence.

Touring the interior, one can feel the care, love and attention that went into planning every detail on such a construction project and all of the past generations that had passed through its rooms.  The technological inovations coupled with the artistic interiors included in Flagler’s home highlights the sensibilities of this modern and progressive thinker, businessman and innovator whose influence on business, society and the ultimate development throughout the state of Florida is one to admire and learn from.

Happy Travelling,


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